Day 3,638 —Tomorrow is the Ozark Foothills 100!—

 I tried my two cameras this morning with mixed results. They both boast they have some type of night mode, and one says it has an “action mode.” I like they both have clips that rotate, so it was easy to put them securely on my vest.

         I forgot to start my watch on this run until after I had made it down the hill on Watson. Then, I struggled to decide on a 1.x-mile loop, so I did more than I thought I would, but that is just the nature of things.

         I also felt like my legs were sore. I don’t know if all the stretching has made me feel worse, but there it is. I had been so ahead on packing, but yesterday I didn’t do as much. I did get a salt bath in, so that is something, but I wasn’t able to make much progress on packing.

         Today, I want to make a concrete list of everything I will need before I start packing. I might also, copy items for each drop bag on the outside.

         One camera hadn’t been on, so I couldn’t really see any footage. The other camera worked, but the angle was looking up, so it made it hard to assess if the footage was worth anything. Now, I wish I had saved some sense, I forgot to take a picture.

         The audio worked okay, but the bounce too was insane, so I will have to try something else out before tomorrow. If I have time.



the Most Epic Runs