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Day 3,961 —the only Ten I see—

  I woke up tired, which is never a good sign. I even got to sleep in some, spent the morning playing Astrobot with my kids, and picked up the house. It was hard to think about running because while I normally cannot wait to get out the door and feel the pavement beneath my feet, today my body was still aching, and I knew this run wasn’t going to be easy to enjoy. I ran towards the trail around the seminary and saw a race going on in the park. Many runners gave me a first pump as I passed, and it was encouraging to see all the smiling faces. It is easy to feel happy when you have people encouraging you to go on. I did a couple of loops around the seminary and enjoyed the trail and being alone. There were a couple of perfect pictures that I didn’t stop and take. Afterward, I headed towards the River des Peres and from there went through two cemeteries all the way to the train tracks by my house.  A dozen deer were running, and I had a moment to look over and see them as I was r...

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