Day 3145 —Happy December! and so Many Different Colors— with more of the MINNIE HA HA

My class last night ended after ten with my teacher telling a story that was troubling on many levels. It is not my story to tell, and I will not retell it here, which I am sure might sound annoying when I am obviously vague like this, but I have this thing that I don’t share or try to make someone’s story my story, and I think when you tell someone else’s narrative you do that, and that’s not a fair thing to do. 

I only mention this story because it got me thinking, and I was up for a while not able to sleep, so now it is late, and I am still not at work—but, when I ran I got to see the sunrise, and I liked seeing the sunrise. It was so many different colors and at the same time one color.  


the Most Epic Runs