Day 3167 —Colder Still— with UNDER a BRIDGE

Everyone in Saint Louis seems to be losing their minds over the fact that it's snowing. "It snowed!" an overexcited child exclaims. "What, there's snow on the ground?" a middle-aged parent replies in shock.

It doesn't snow a lot in this area, so people tend to get excited when it does. It's also very cold today, with temperatures feeling like -6°F. I took the opportunity to test out some of my warm weather gear. I didn't overdo it, but rather wanted to see how little I could get away with wearing. I ended up wearing two layers, a jacket, and one pair of winter running leggings. I also wore one hat and two scarves/buffs, as well as two pairs of gloves. I also carried two instant hot pouches with me.

I put metal springs on my shoes to help with traction. I'm never sure if I'll need them or not, as they can be difficult to run with if there's not a lot of snow on the ground. Today, I mostly ran on compact snow. I managed to stay mostly warm, even though I wanted to go home as soon as I started the run. However, my hat and scarves quickly became annoying and eventually became unusable. By the time I got home, even my eyelashes were frozen. Next time, I'll wear a different hat.

And now a poem version by ChatGPS:

Snow falls gently from the sky, 

A winter wonderland laid out before my eyes. 

I bundle up, head out the door, 

To run upon the frozen floor.

I wear my warmest gear, 

Two layers, gloves, and a scarf to steer 

Away the biting cold, 

But still my eyelashes freeze, I'm told.

I put metal studs on my shoes, 

To help with traction, 

I can't lose. I run through the snow, 

Taking in the beauty, letting my worries go.

It's a rare sight, this winter wonder, 

But it fills me with joy and wonder. 

I may be cold, but my heart is warm, 

Embracing the beauty of this winter storm.


the Most Epic Runs