Day 3161 —Felt Longer than it Was— with the SAPPINGTON HOUSE at NIGHT II

I left my house a little after 11:30, not sure where I wanted to go. I decided to head towards the city and even thought about running to the Arch. It had been a while since I had gone to the city, and I felt good. Once I passed the Walmart, I noticed they had removed a lot of trees around a creek where I saw a beaver a few months ago on a very rainy morning. I ran for a while and lost track of where I was. When I reached Kingshighway, I knew where I was, so I turned towards Tower Grove park. Once there, I noticed there was a market in the center of the park. 

I had forgotten to turn my watch back on because I noticed when I was leaving the park that it was paused. I felt annoyed not knowing how far I had run; however, knowing the park as well as I do, it isn't that big, so at most I missed a mile, which isn't a big deal when I really think about it. I ended up feeling cold and uncomfortable with all the wind. I had to put my hood up to cover my ears. 

I also just found the air stuffy and the noise from the cars was really exhausting me. Maybe more than anything, I don't like all the cars because they are so exhausting. I'm just trying to run here! But overall, it was a good run. Happy Saturday everyone!

And now thanks to ChatGPS a poem version:

I left my home one morn at eleven-thirty, 

Not sure where my feet would take me then. 

I thought to run to the great Arch city, 

Haven't been there for a spell, and feeling spry.

Past Walmart's doors, a sight did catch my eye – 

A creek where once, on a rainy morn, 

I saw a beaver, but now the trees were gone. 

I ran and ran, not knowing where I'd be.

But when I reached the road called Kingshighway, 

I knew my bearings and towards Tower Grove I did stray. 

There in the park, a market came to view – 

I'd forgotten my watch, it seemed, and it was paused too.

Annoyed, I was, not knowing my speed or distance run, 

But Tower Grove is not so large, a mile at most was missed, 

I felt the cold and wind, and put my hood up high, 

The air was stuffy, cars were loud, and so I did sigh.

Oh cars, I beg, please give me space to roam, 

I'm just a runner, trying to find my way back home. 

But overall, a good run it was, to all, a happy Saturday!


the Most Epic Runs