Day 3174 —That Cannot be Right— with the white SNOW on green LEAVES

When I return to consciousness after running, dreaming, or getting lost in thought, there are often many uncertainties: what year is it? How old am I? Where am I? These questions may not always seem pressing, but today, when I returned to reality during my run, I was unsure about the time of year. I thought it might be 2023, but that cannot be right, can it?

When I awake from slumber

After running, dreaming, or lost in thought

So much is uncertain

What year is it? How old am I? Where am I?

These questions do not always weigh on me

But upon waking during my run

I was in a state of confusion

Is it really 2023 already? 

Time—what’s there to say. 

But surely, that cannot be right

Can it?


the Most Epic Runs