Day 3163 —More like a Thursday— with the GLOW from a RED LIGHT

I'm happy to start the day, even though it's Monday. I have a dentist appointment later, so I'll only be at work for a half day. I felt sluggish on my run today, but I think I'm still adjusting to the cold. I felt like I was wearing too warm of a jacket, but my right hand was cold because it stayed stationary, clasping my camera. I saw other pictures to take, but I didn't want to stop running because I was doing the suggested training again. I'm not sure if I'll keep it up or not, but at least it gives my run a little more direction. I think I want to put some courses on my watch now that I know how to do that and try that sometime soon. I should at least go for a trail run over break, or I could take it easy. I have another 100-mile run coming up in less than a month, so I'm not sure if I need to train more or just recover.

And now thanks to chatGPS a sonnet version: 

Though Monday's dawn may bring the start of woe, 

I find some joy in facing the new day. 

A dentist's visit marks the time to go, 

But half the day remains to work and play.

My run was sluggish, hindered by the cold, 

A jacket's warmth insufficient to defend. 

My right hand froze, its grip on camera bold, 

Yet still I ran, not wanting to suspend.

I saw more scenes to capture with my lens, 

But training goals held me to the same pace. 

I'll add some courses to my watch, I guess, 

And take a break or try a trail's rough race.

A hundred miles loom ahead in time, 

To train or rest, my choice, my fate is mine.


the Most Epic Runs