Day 3171 —Still Tuesday— with a dirt PATH and FROTHY white CLOUDS

It was strange to go out running late on a Tuesday night. I'm usually up early every morning, getting ready to run. It wasn't cold tonight, so I only needed to wear an extra layer. I wasn't planning on going fast, so I dressed warmly. I started thinking about the Shipley 100, which is less than three weeks away. I'm excited about it, but also a little scared. It will probably be the toughest 100 I've ever done, and only one other person has finished the 100 for this race before. I want to feel confident in my navigation skills before the race. I'm considering buying a Garmin eTreck to use during the race. 

I hate having to think so much about navigation during runs, especially when I'm alone in the dark on a trail. It's scary, especially when there's ice and snow. I love running at night, but not when I'm not sure which way to go. Robert Frost's poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" comes to mind: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, / But I have promises to keep, / And miles to go before I sleep, / And miles to go before I sleep." He wasn't a runner, but he spent a lot of time in the woods, and his writing about them is both haunting and accurate. Feeling like I might fail at something is usually a sign that I'm doing the right thing, at least in regard to races.

And now a poem version with a little help from ChatGPS 

I went out running late on a Tuesday night,

A strange feeling came over me.

I'm used to waking up with the morning light,

But tonight, the darkness was my company.

I couldn't shake the thought of the Shipley 100,

Less than three weeks away, it lingered in my mind.

I'm excited, but also feeling a little unsteady,

It'll be the toughest race I've ever tried.

Only one other person has made it to the end,

But I'm determined to give it my all.

I want to feel confident in my navigation skills,

So I'm considering buying a Garmin eTreck.

Running alone in the dark can be scary,

Especially when you're lost and all alone.

But I won't let fear hold me back,

I'll finish the race and make it home.

Frost's poem "Stopping by Woods" comes to mind,

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep."

It captures the feeling of being confined

To duties and obligations we must keep.

But I won't let fear get the best of me,

I'll face my fears and run with grace.

I'll make it to the finish line, you'll see,

And earn my place in the running race.


the Most Epic Runs