Day 3160 —ChatGPT can Edit my writing too? — with the SAPPINGTON HOUSE at NIGHT

I was curious how ChatGPT would revise something I wrote earlier, so I put in the below unedited text and hit revise.

Original Text:

I spent so much time last night going back through photos and even editing some but this morning I felt not finished with most of them, so I didn’t have anything to publish. Also, the picture I usually take during my run, I didn’t, so I am going to have to go back out. 

Part of me this morning wanted to go back out on another run immediately, so I could get a picture. I realized today how I had planned to keep taking pictures of snow people, but I don’t really like getting to close to people’s houses to take pictures, so I don’t know if that goal is always going to be realistic. 

Revised version: 

Last night, I spent a lot of time going through and editing photos, but this morning I didn't feel satisfied with most of them and didn't have anything to post. I also forgot to take my usual running photo, so I'll have to go back out to get one. At first, I considered going for another run just to get the picture, but then I realized that my goal of taking pictures of snow people may not always be feasible because I don't like getting too close to other people's houses.


the Most Epic Runs