Day 3162 —Tried the Suggested Training— with the SAPPINGTON HOUSE at NIGHT III

Like most people, I watched the World Cup this morning. It felt strange to watch it so early, but it was a nice way to start the day. I didn't really want to start running early anyway, so I was thinking about waiting until later when it would be warmer.

I followed the suggested training and ran for 1:08:00 at a pace of 8:50. I felt the need to stay ahead of the pace, which made the run a little stressful, but the time passed quickly. It was cold, but not as windy as it was yesterday, so I ended up feeling a little overdressed. I wasn't thinking about where I was going as much as I just wanted to find a route with less traffic, which led me to run through the graveyard for part of my run. However, there were more people in the graveyard than I expected, and I didn't want to stay there for long. That's the problem with running in the middle of the day - the traffic is always heavy. 

At least it's warmer, but I'm not sure if the trade-off is worth it.

When I finished the workout, I thought my watch would do something, but it just switched off that mode. I'm not sure how much I'll use it in the future, but it was something different to try.

And now thanks to chatGPS a song version: 

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(Verse 1) 

I woke up early, ready to watch the World Cup 

But something felt strange, like I shouldn't be up 

I usually sleep in, but today was different 

So I brushed my teeth and started my run, no time to resent it


I hit the pavement, feeling alive 

But the traffic was heavy, it was hard to thrive 

I turned down a side street and found a new route 

But the graveyard was there, and I started to doubt

(Verse 2) 

I thought I'd be alone, with just the dead 

But the graveyard was packed, it filled me with dread 

I didn't want to stay, so I kept on moving 

I tried to focus on my pace, but my thoughts kept grooving


I hit the pavement, feeling alive 

But the traffic was heavy, it was hard to thrive 

I turned down a side street and found a new route 

But the graveyard was there, and I started to doubt


When I finally finished, my watch changed modes 

I don't know how much I'll use it, but it was a new approach 

I may run through the graveyard again, but at a different time 

Maybe at night, when the dead are all mine


I hit the pavement, feeling alive 

But the traffic was heavy, it was hard to thrive 

I turned down a side street and found a new route 

But the graveyard was there, and I started to doubt


the Most Epic Runs