Day 3154 —Running to the Mall— with YELLOW and ORANGE leaves!

I ran after the morning soccer game and before the afternoon game. Instead of avoiding the busy Watson, I ran on it almost exclusively heading to where the mall used to be. I have watched from a distance some of the work that has been done towards putting in a huge grocery store, but I wanted to get closer. 

Some of the work for parking lots had been complete, and I was able to get close to the new buildings. I didn’t know what else was supposed to go on the vast lot, but I was happy to see the land used for something again. 
I took a different way home, and I thought about how little had really changed in the area for the past twenty-years. Maybe some of the buildings had changed names but the feeling that has been made by this busy four-lane road without many places to turn has remained the same. 


the Most Epic Runs