Day 3157 —thoughts on the White Lotus— with a quiet STREET on a RAINY fall DAY

I was listening to a podcast talking about the show, and it made me want to respond. Why? Probably because I don’t hear anyone with my perspective talking about the White Lotus. I also was running while thinking about this and had to cut my run short after only a couple miles. 

The author has failed in one of the primary contracts that they have with an audience. Mr. White doesn’t like the characters in the show and choose to see their choices and motivation as meaningless and not connected with a story of a character. Instead of having a variety of contrary voices represented, the show has one main commentary: everyone is stupid and empty. 

Regardless of how I might feel about the nature of life, I do feel strongly convicted on the nature of a person. In my experience people are infinitely complex, not shallow, and pointless. 


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