Day 3166 —Colder than I Thought— with the unwieldy WHITE and green GRASS with TREES as tall as transmission TOWERS

I saw that it was supposed to be much colder later and there was even a warning about a winter storm approaching. However, I didn't think much about it and just looked forward to seeing how the weather would change. I didn't sleep well last night because my daughter kept me up and wanted to get up to eat around 2 am. Fortunately, I convinced her to stay in bed a little longer and we ended up sleeping until 8 am. Although, I spent a lot of time in bed, I didn't feel rested when I started my run. I thought about bringing one of my warm pouches, but I decided against it because I didn't think I would need anything like that for such a short run on an average day. 

It was supposed to be colder later, but when I was leaving it was supposed to be in the 30s. However, I didn't anticipate such aggressive wind. Everywhere I turned, there was the wind. I tried to push myself harder just to warm up and escape from the wind. For a moment, I would feel warmer, but it wouldn't last long because the wind was back, blowing up against my ears and drying out my lips as the icy breeze enclosed me.

And now a song version by ChatGPS

Verse 1: 

I saw the forecast, it was supposed to be cold 

A winter storm was coming, I was told 

But I didn't think much about it, just wanted to see 

What the weather would bring, just let it be


But the wind, it came on strong

Blowing up against my ears, drying out my tongue 

I tried to push harder, just to escape 

But the wind, it always found its way

Verse 2:

I didn't sleep well last night, my daughter kept me up 

Wanted to eat at two, but I convinced her to sup 

We slept until eight, but I didn't feel rested 

As I set out on my run, I was impressed


But the wind, it came on strong 

Blowing up against my ears, drying out my tongue 

I tried to push harder, just to escape 

But the wind, it always found its way


I thought about bringing a warm pouch, for protection 

But the day seemed average, the run, just a small selection 

I didn't expect the wind to be so fierce and wild 

But it blew in with icy gusts, it's grip, so tight and wild


But the wind, it came on strong 

Blowing up against my ears, drying out my tongue 

I tried to push harder, just to escape 

But the wind, it always found its way


the Most Epic Runs