Day 3,552 —Two more Runs until the Shippey 100! —

 We lost power at my house last night, and it was weird because it wasn’t even that cold. This morning, I tested out one of my new shirts, and it fit okay. I decided to run into the woods by the cemetery to see how the ground felt with all this rain, and I was pleasantly surprised.

          The cold has done a lot to freeze the mud, so even the difficult terrain not recently cleared for pedestrians wasn’t unpassable, and my shoes were dry when I got home.

          My main concern was how hot I felt within the first mile, so in the future, I need to be careful to not overexert myself early in the race just to stay warm.

I think I want to make a video of me preparing for the race, but right now I just have all my clothes and gear out on my floor in the basement.


the Most Epic Runs