Day 3,553 —One more Run until the Shippey 100! —

I got an email from the race people yesterday saying that we could let them know if we wanted to drop to the 100K because of the predictions for cold weather. It is not much of an offer but it is nice of them to do something. I am sure they have gotten questions about cancellations and possibly refunds, so maybe they felt they needed to say something, but I get their perspective too. These races don’t really make money, so if they have to reschedule, it costs them money and a lot of time.

Not cold at all today, so frustrating that the cold weather is holding off until the race, preventing me from getting a better idea of what gear I want to use in the race. I was so motivated on Monday to get prepared but I’ve had class, homework, my two kids, and my three cats to keep me busy this week. I can tell my wife isn’t as excited but is concerned about the weather but I really cannot blame her.

I want to buy groceries today if I can, even though the stores might be crazy. It just might be more difficult to go tomorrow.


the Most Epic Runs