Day 3,569 —Back to the Carbon-Fiber Plate shoes—

They’re fun to wear but they feel a little big but I liked running in them today. I went over to the new development in Crestwood. It seems like it has taken an odd amount of time to complete those homes. So many of them are completed, while in other sections, only one or two homes are finished. 

I signed up for the Ozark Foothills race on April 6th. I’ll have to find something to do before then, but that is not too far off. I’ll run the Shawnee Hill after that in August, and then I should find another race like the Mamba in the Fall. Maybe I should just do the Mamba after not finishing this past year. It has been a frustrating collection of ultra-attempts for me recently. I just can't wait to get back out there.


the Most Epic Runs