Day 3,555 —My Eyebrows Hurt! And other Revelations from the Shippey 100 Part I—

My main comparison is the Shawnee Hill as being similar to my experience with this one. There were environmental conditions that I simply was not prepared for. I am trying to blame myself for the outcome, but part of the blame goes to my inability to practice in similar conditions. It was the coldest run I have ever done, ever. It was in the negative teens but even colder on the ridge where the wind was just cutting through everything I was wearing. 

        For most of the run, it was teens then single digits before it dropped to below freezing after nightfall, but I went from feeling good after I hit mile 55 and then being at a place where I could no longer get warm after mile 60. It was so hard to go from 60 to 64. My watch had me at more miles but I don’t know what it was. According to the race officially, it would have been 63.92. And then 4 miles just destroyed me. I spent a good 20 minutes recovering before I went out after 60 and part of me wanted to take a nap for 30 minutes and then try the next section and go from there but I was forgetting things and I wasn’t able to eat anymore. 

        I spent the whole day drinking soap and enjoying the warmth but my stomach just started hurting around mile 55, and it was just annoying. I started dry heaving, and I thought was going to be sick but I had some Sprite and calmed down some. 

        I was so jealous of the running the ski goggles who was crushing it. That is one thing I thought about during the run. I need ski goggles! But they’re kind of expensive to maybe use just in case the next time I do this race there is another winter storm. 

        For this run. I plan to keep writing about each day this week to finish the story of the race.


the Most Epic Runs