Day 3,728—Hydrated but Tired—

I thought I would do more yesterday, but I was exhausted and busy. I thought my body might react differently from all the running. Instead of the usual blisters and soreness, I am dealing with fatigue.

         It was such a nice day! I ran a lot on Grant’s trail because I dropped my collapsible water cup somewhere on it, so I went back to look, but no luck. I have a few more of them, so it is not a huge deal, but I would have liked to have it today, and I don’t like the idea of it being on the ground. I hope someone found it.

There were a lot of people out on Lockwood and the sun came out. It looked like people were standing around tents and drinking, but I don’t know if they had a parade today. It looked like the fair was in full swing. I am curious what my daughter will think of parades and fairs as she gets older. She is probably still too young for the fair. It seems like she is so old now, but she is only going to be five in a couple of weeks. I ran in sandals today because I didn’t want to deal with wet socks, but the sandal straps ended up sliding around and hurting the top of my foot, so I decided to go back home after 3 hours of running.

I recorded videos on Monday and Tuesday and planned on making something with them, but I don’t know now. I should write more about those first two long days, but I am still thinking about finishing this week strong with 40 hours and 200 miles. I have a bit more than 62 miles left to go, and I would love to run more today. My only issue was the sandals, so I took an Epson salt bath and put triple past on my feet. I should be good in a couple of hours. 


the Most Epic Runs