Day 3,730—22 miles Down and 19 more to Go—

I still feel good. I took plenty of breaks to consume water and sports drinks. I was moving too fast early. I did a similar route that I did yesterday, but I went in the opposite direction. Part of me wanted to do 4 more. Why not make it a marathon? I liked this route. I had plenty of water and gas stations to stop at. I used to like to go on a different route almost every day, but recently I have been gravitating to these loops that connect trails. The main benefit of the trails is the lack of cars and the noise.

         And people everywhere are being so nice to me. Yesterday, a guy made some positive comments after I ran across the street, not waiting for the walk sign. And a couple of other people have said things like, “great job!” And when I stopped at a store yesterday to get a drink, the person there wished me luck on my run.

         I am always embarrassed by my running clothes and how drenched I am. Today, I made the bold move of going to the library. I didn’t have my library card, but the person there confirmed my info via birthday and didn’t even ask for my card.

Now, I am so hungry. I haven’t been hungry most of the week until last night I suddenly wanted to eat food. Today, I was thinking about whether 200 miles is enough? It will be my most in a week by far (the last longest was 150 or 160), but now I keep thinking and I am going to be able to let it go after I hit 200 tomorrow? Or will I want to do more? 


the Most Epic Runs