Day 3,747 —8th at the GYBK—

The nicest part of this run was when it started raining at mile 8. The rain was refreshing and gentle. It brought my body temperature down by 10 degrees at least. I was running at a relaxed pace in the cool summer rain. 

         --All of a sudden, a scooter whizzed by me. 

It was some white guy with long hair driving a small red scooter that looked like a motorcycle. He wasn’t wearing a helmet. 

He passed so close to me. He didn’t even go into the other lane to pass. I am guessing he thought there wouldn’t be as much traffic because of the rain, but it was insanely dangerous to drive a scooter on the bike trail. 

I got over it after a few minutes. For a while, I was so angry that this guy almost hit me doing something so dumb, but I’ve been there. I wasn’t planning on running longer than an hour, but something inside me decided to run towards the Riverway Trail, and after that, I kept going on Grant’s trail all the way back around to my house. I didn’t have my credit card, so I would have to rely on water fountains. I only stopped at one, and near the end of my run, I decided I would rather run a shorter distance and not go by an additional water source. 

         Instead, I decided to focus on keeping my pace steady enough and walking some so that I wouldn’t need as much water. This worked for most of the run, but by the last two miles, I was over it and ready to be home. I kept imagining a fountain drink of Powerade and kicking myself a little for not bringing my credit card. I had plenty to drink at home, so while I was fantasizing about buying something, it would be a lot more convenient to drink a few cans of LaCroix Limoncello.


the Most Epic Runs