Day 3,737 —Other Priorities: Reflections on my 67-mile run Last Week—


I had to be somewhere at 8 this morning, so I ran as much as I could before I had leave home. When I got home, I took my daughter to get a vegan donut at Strange Donuts in Maplewood. In the car she told me she wanted to go to Grant’s Farm.
         Two hours later, we were heading back to the car and I was exhausted after being in the sun so much. It was afternoon and she was happy. I bought her a toy snake in the gift shop. she told me she wanted to call it “Snake Snake Pink Pink.”

The first 3 miles I did with my weighted vest, and I tried to hold off from going hard at all to see how long I could prevent myself from starting to sweat and get tired. I made it to about a mile.
         I went back out after I fed my cats without my vest and did 6 more. It was pretty hot, so I planned to run to the gas station and get a fountain drink. When I got there, I realized there was no Powerade, but there was Gatorade. It went down quickly, but I felt it in my stomach and immediately felt uncomfortable.

Day 1 of my 67-mile run went by like a blur. It lasted a lot longer than I would think possible, but at the same time, it zoomed by. I recorded regular updates, but they were mostly uneventful. I had a lot of fun running on the different trails and taking it easy, drinking as much water as needed.
         It started to feel long after 6 p.m. and I was still going and I began to get stressed out thinking I wouldn’t be done before my daughter went to bed. I made it just in time and read to her some. I watched TV with my wife, ate food, and took a bath before I went to bed. I was tired and getting hungry at the end of the day, but mostly I felt good and I was disappointed things had gotten more complicated and I didn’t know what I would be able to do the next day.   


the Most Epic Runs