Day 3,752 —More News for SLPS—

       My skepticism has rarely been so congruent with current developments, but last week I was attempting to be optimistic about the coming year even though it has been a tumultuous year and the new Superintendent who I initially liked has received much of the blame still, I wanted to be optimistic about the new school year. After all, what other choice is there?        

But reading the story in the paper yesterday about her recent suspension and the questions about her hiring practices and spending, it is difficult to put a positive spin on it. I remember thinking that a lot of people in 801 didn’t like her because she was trying to break up the cliquish environment, but a lot of what she is being accused of publicly shows her allegedly doing exactly what she accused others of doing. 

I just wish we could have some decent leadership in SLPS. It doesn’t have to be the best leader ever, just someone who is honest and is looking out for the best interest of the students, their families, and our community.


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