Day 3,879 —Birthday Running Plans—


I was kind of upset you could say that I didn’t have a clear time in mind when I would be able to do any type of special run for my birthday. I thought maybe Thanksgiving, but that ended up not being ideal for some practical reasons, and today my actual birthday I have a class at 8 p.m., and another class tomorrow. In both of my classes, I have some major assignments due, so I didn’t want to take off today or do anything that might prevent me from completing that work, so nothing made sense for today, but I am going to take off Friday, and I think I am going to run at least my age 39 on Friday. I don’t know If I should do 50? Or if 39 is enough. I am thinking I might need to start at 11 p.m. on Thursday. I don’t know if it will be all trail miles or not but I think I at least want to start on a trail, and it is always difficult to start somewhere and then pause and drive somewhere and then run somewhere else. It would be nice to do something different, and most of the time I would rather run in the night on a trail than on pavement, but trail miles are going to be so much more difficult, and it is my birthday, so should I punish myself with the trail? But I need to do some trail training anyway, so right now I am thinking I will start on Lone Elk and go from there. I would like to be home in time to have a nice lunch with my wife. 
