Day 3,901 —Happy 25th!—
I was surprised by how many people were at QuickTrip this morning. I waited in line for a while to buy a drink, and then the cashier had one of those moments where they didn’t know how to do what they needed to do. The manager couldn’t explain it to them, but he was just a kid, so I got it. I almost wanted to say something like, “It is okay,” but I didn’t.
I think I ran pretty fast! I was excited to start the day, open presents and spend the day with my family. I realized this year how much I don’t like saying “Christmas,” which I am sure to most people isn’t a big deal at all, but if you know what the words mean “Christ” which means “savior,” or a modern rendition would be “the chosen one” and “mas” which is short for a “church services, or a sermon,” so you put them together, and they make the phrase “Savior Church Services,” still this a rough translation, but I cannot say I am interested in a Savior Church Services, and I don’t appreciate how little Christians are aware of the history of Saturnalia which predated the Christian religion and was celebrated for even long after the Romans forced everyone to become Christian when they made Christianity the official religion of the empire.
To prevent people from continuing to celebrate their chosen religion, they decided to create holidays like “Christmas” and “Easter” and celebrate them at the same time as other well-known religious holidays like Saturnalia. Another word for this practice is religious persecution and then an attempt to rewrite history like Saturn never existed. But considering that he has the best day of the week named after him (Saturday) = (Saturn’s day), there is no chance that this god’s influence and presence is going anywhere. He dominated so much of culture for thousands of years, even a lot of supposedly “Christian” traditions come directly from customs that were developed for other religions and traditions.
I am not trying to be a jerk about this, but I just don’t like what the Christian church did and continues to do to persecute other religious groups of people. While many Christians are oblivious to the history of their church, but it doesn’t change what the word means and what it represents, and for me, it is a representation of Christian oppression, which continues to this day, and it wouldn’t bother me as much if Christians didn’t pretend they were the ones being persecuted against. Remind me how many Buddhist Muslims or Jewish presidents have there been? What about Supreme Court Justices? Isn’t it any wonder that our court system goes out of its way to protect Christians's interests and persecute everyone else’s? And these are the same groups of people who say they are being persecuted. I’ll probably not write about this for a while, but it does make me upset. There is no justice and no one cares about the what’s right--that’s the world we live in.
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