Day 2,936 —a Loud Sound— with a PICTURE of TRAIN TRACKS in the SNOW #721

When I got home yesterday, I could not find Perseus. We had someone working on our heating pipes, so I was worried he let him out by accident; I spent about two hours searching my house and then searching the streets outside. 

It was nice to spend some time talking to my neighbor. A woman that moved in a couple houses down was especially concerned having been an animal trainer. She had two dogs that were both friendly. I kind of wish I still had a dog. My cat Ulysses is kind of like a dog. He is friendly and will greet me whenever I come home, but it is not the same as having a dog.  

I looked everywhere I could think of both inside and out, and was faced with the reality that I would need to go pick up my daughter soon. I knew I would not be able to focus on anything until I found Perseus, so I started frantically searching for him, trying to push the thought of him still being gone when it is dark outside, out of my head.  

I climbed up on our washing machine, to look between the floors again. I called for him, did my best meow and waited. 

I brought my flashlight out to look if I could see anything between the floorboards and the ceiling, and before I could look his furry head popped out. 

His tail was down, and he was scared. He was not his usual feisty playful self, but he seemed normal this morning. 

It is crazy how much a loud sound can make a difference.   


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