Day 2,947 —Backyard Run— with a PICTURE of WHITE and GRAY CLOUDS #732

I was trying to get the lawn mowed first but my daughter came outside and wanted to help with her mower. I thought she would color with chalk outside, but she got bored with that fast. She mainly ran around with her tiny watering can throwing water on everything. 

I ran a mile earlier today, but I still had not ran much, so I decided to try to simply run-in circles in my backyard, so I could keep spending time with my daughter. 

My backyard is not big, running in one circle takes about 15 seconds. I was pushing myself to move quickly, but my watch told me I was going incredibly slow. I don’t know exactly how far I went, but I think it was further than my watch said. 

Regardless of the inaccuracies of my watch, it was fun to spend time with my daughter during my run.   


the Most Epic Runs