Day 2,946 —Two Nights— with a PICTURE of the new ROTHMAN’S #731

I didn’t finish my run last night until almost 1 this morning. Part of me wanted to do more, but it had been a long day. I saw some people in Rocketship Park, probably teenagers. They were hopping on one foot. I think one of them might have shouted at me. 

I was listening to Salt Sugar Fat when I was running. It is so crazy to think about the frosted min wheat craze of the 1990s. The book says there was a marketing campaign that suggested that kids that ate the cereal did 20% better at school. Of course, there was no real evidence to prove this claim and the company eventually was asked to stop making the claim, but that was six months after the campaign had launched, so the company had chosen independently to stop using the campaign.  

That bogus marketing affected me. We usually never had unhealthy cereal, but we had that at the house some. I remember most of the time candy was given to me by other adults, not my parents, which is kind of insane when I think about it now. Don’t give candy to children!   


the Most Epic Runs