Day 2,942 —Every Morning Should Start Like This— with a PICTURE of CARS on the HIGHWAY #727

 Starting my run at 5:30 is perfect because I do not have to wear a headlamp or sunglasses. I went over to the closest trail with a pond, and I decided I would sit and meditate for a minute on this bench that I remember from the pandemic. They took the seats out of this bench, and I remember thinking how crazy it seemed out of context. 

When I sat there this morning, I noticed some geese hanging out with their goslings. I took some pictures, but it was hard to see them in the picture. They were not looking at me, but looking ahead and wandering around.

After taking some pictures and watching them for a few minutes, I ran down the path and saw a cat, Inky, is his name, I have met him before. I was glad to see he was doing okay. I hope he does not attack the geese. 

When I got home, I was showing my two-year daughter the pictures I took. She said, “Wow!” And took my camera and took a bunch of pictures. She had tried before, but this was the first time I remember her hand being big enough to push the buttons on her own. 


the Most Epic Runs