Day 2,940 —Mother’s Day 2022— with a PICTURE of a BLUE LIGHT and SNOW #725

I think this is the third year that I have ran to my parents to deliver my mother’s day cards. I was hoping to talk to my mom and grandmother for a moment, but no one looked home at my house. 

I walked around back and remembered a time two years ago when I ran to my parents’ house during the pandemic. 

I walked back around and put the two card and a two tote bags on a chair by the front door. I took a picture of it and sent it to my mom. 

I headed back out into the park. I thought about how much the park has changed over the years e.g., there used to be tennis court, there was never a path before, and the pavilion and playground equipment has been updated. It is not the same park at all. 


the Most Epic Runs