Day 2,959 —Last Day for a WHILE! (kind of, sort of)— with a PICTURE of a big PUDDLE with DUCKS! #745

 A lot on my mind today as I went outside for my last run in St. Louis for a while. Last day of the school year kind of, but I do need to be back on Wednesday for four hours of PD, so kind of the last day, 

I also am leaving today for Asheville. I am not excited about it because I will not be able to go to bed until after midnight. It will be about five-hours of traveling. I think what is bothering me the most is all the unknowns.

I don’t think I will be able to update my runs while hiking because I am guessing there will be no signal. I still plan to write and take pictures each day, but I do not know how I plan to write. Part of me thinks I might handwrite, but it would probably easier if I wrote them on my phone to edit and post later. 

I am trying to be optimistic. I just do not deal well with being faced with so many unknowns. Happy Friday! I am sure things will probably being fine.  


the Most Epic Runs