Day 2,945 —Really, today is Friday?— with a PICTURE of a SWAN #730

After I found the geese family, I went over by the ducks and I heard them fighting. I was surprised because I have never seen ducks fight before, and it seemed like it was two males fighting over the one female duck, which I thought ducks did not do that. I thought ducks were the other way that is why male ducks are pretty like peacocks.

Now, I am going to need to read more about duck behavior for sure.


As I was leaving, I noticed a guy with binoculars most likely watching the fight go down too but he was also watching me, I am sure. The layers of the monitoring is always fun for me to think about. I find the irony of watching the watchers to always be amusing on some level.  


Anyway, happy Friday.  


the Most Epic Runs