Day 2,957 —Out of Touch — with a PICTURE of a big PUDDLE and DUCKS! #742

 It was raining again this morning and why not. I am still not hearing normally, so the awareness I get from the sounds of an area have become muffled. It is so difficult to talk to anyone right now. I always feel like I am either missing a word or a sound or misunderstanding them.

I started listening to this book about all the things we have lost to the Internet. A lot of them, I was not even aware were gone. I am so glad I opted out of most social media years ago. One of the things it talked about is how we know way too much about everyone now thanks to Facebook and Instagram. I like not knowing about people from years ago, and I like that people don’t know about me. It is not as if I am hiding anything, but I think you should have to talk to someone to get an update about their life. It shouldn’t be a one side thing.

         I ran more than I meant to, and I felt tired and uncomfortable thinking about the future. 


the Most Epic Runs