Day 2,937 —Happy 90th Grammie! —with a PICTURE of a RADIO TOWER in the SNOW #722

 Yesterday, I saw a sign that said, “Happy Birthday Grammie!” which was almost perfect because it is my Grandmother’s birthday today. I sent her an electronic card this morning because she has been sending me e-cards ever since the invention of e-mail. I have so many happy memories of doing things with my grandmother when I was younger; it always shocks me when I hear other people talk about how they do not know their grandparents that well.

My grandmother has always been a big part of my family’s life, introducing and reinforcing many routines and traditions. One of our main traditions is playing dominos, something I have done with my grandmother since I was still figuring how to count. 

Love you Grammie! And thank you for reading this.   


the Most Epic Runs