Day 2,964 —Last Day, Again? — with a PICTURE of a SCULPTURE #746

I got home a little after 8 last night and was so happy to see my family. I know I need to update runs and pictures still, but I must go do four hours of work here in a minute but after that I’ll be done for a month or so. It is interesting how little things can mentally drain me. If I had a bunch of stuff going on today, I would not even think about this four-hour training as more than a break from my regular day; however, now that it is the only thing I have left to do before summer, it seems like an interminable task. 

  It was wet when I started my run. I saw my mother-in-law pass me as I turned down Laclede and wondered what the day might bring. I am tired and sore but not an overwhelming amount. I ran over by paths by the retirement home and felt thankful to be home. I thought about how many pictures I took on the trip felt rushed, and I was not able to put the thought and consideration in that I usually do. 

I am thinking I will edit some of the pictures from my AT trip on my computer and post them all together with a culminating post on my blog. I hope to finish that today or tomorrow. 


the Most Epic Runs