Days 2,960-3 —Thoughts from the AT— with PICTURES from the Appalachian Trail

Saturday, May 28

at the Airpot 

My flight had been delayed about an hour. I was hoping my connection might be delayed too. I was checking frantically, and it finally was delayed 10-minutes! I was over joyed. There was a delay getting off the runway, and my flight was scheduled to leave in fewer than 10 minutes when we finally made it to the terminal. I was still hopeful I would be able to make my flight. I had 8 minutes and the terminal was 6 minutes away. I sprinted towards the gate at full speed! and immediately dropped my camera and glasses. 

A woman shouted at me and handed me my camera, and I was off again. 

I was tempted to look at my watch but instead I just kept running. 

I got there and the door was closed, and the time read 10:56! I had missed it by one minute. 

When I checked my phone, I saw that they left 4 minutes earlier than planned after the delay. 

After waiting for what seemed like a never-ending line of three people. (One was wearing so much cologne I coughed frequently). The person at the counter informed me the next flight they could book me on was 4:30 pm the next day. 

Everything was already closed at the airport, so all there was left for me to do was wait. I still needed to run, but I am thinking I might wait. 

Saturday May 28

Day 2,960–Running on the AT Day 

My family keeps asking me when I was going to run when we started the hike this morning. I stuck with the group but ended up going enough ahead to decide to run. When I did go out for my run after hiking, it was hard to find a groove but ended up hitting a mile with some effort and feeling good when I turned around to go back; however, I missed a turn and ended up adding at least another mile. I was so tired when I found the turn to go to where my tent was but it was worth it when I saw the light hit the mist up the path.

Sunday May 29

Day 2,961–Running on the AT Day II—

I ran twice today. Once this morning, I did a mile and then later around 5 pm. Today was much more enjoyable than yesterday mainly because I finally got some sleep. I spent more time laying down yesterday compared to a normal night. This morning I thought I was moving pretty fast, but my watch kept telling me. I was only going a 14-minute mile. I ended up feeling pretty good after the hike, so I did a little more. So nice to be out among the mountains and feeling the fresh air rush into my face as you were running. My brother tried giving me the trail name “overachiever” for doing the second run but it feels like not a ton to me. I did get tired enough to feel like I needed to walk when I was moving up that hill. I am going to try to read some now. I miss my wife and daughter so much! But I will be home soon enough. 

Monday, May 30 

Day 2,962–Running on the AT Day III—

Ran first thing at 5 am before everyone got up. I found a private road about a mile and a half down the road. 

It was a good day. 


the Most Epic Runs