Day 2,976 —Last Night and this Morning— with a PICTURE from the LIGHTHOUSE: the ROLLING HILLS

Last night

It might seem odd that I decided to add another run in last night before midnight, but I was in the mood. Even though, my dad did stop every few hours to let me walk around and stretch out, I secretly was planning on attempting this run early in the day. 

Sure, I was sore, but that hasn’t stopped me before. Even though it was after 11 in the evening, the heat was palpable. It hung densely in the air stacked between the layers of water molecules. I felt the humidity jump inside me and suck the energy out of my muscles before I finished the first mile. Maybe that Michigan rain wasn’t so bad after all. 

This Morning

Went out later than I wanted but for a good reason. I went on a nice long walk with my daughter first thing this morning. Right after she mowed the lawn with her toy lawn mower. I wore a long sleeve shirt that retains water to keep me cool during the run. It was still hot, but the shirt helped. I stopped a little after a mile to sit and enjoy the foliage. There is no expectation today for how many miles I do. Maybe I’ll run again tonight? I still got to write up the run. 


the Most Epic Runs