Day 2,973 —Last Run before 100 Tomorrow! — with a PICTURE of TIRE TRACKS #751

I am leaving here in an hour, and I will have started the race tomorrow at this time. I tested out running with two water bottles during my run. I have switched over to the hard plastic bottles because they are so much easier to fill up compared to the collapsible. This race is going to have a lot of time between aid stations, so it is likely that I will need to carry more water than I usually do in a race like this. 

Saying goodbye to my family yesterday was difficult. I tried to tell my daughter who did not verbally indicate that she understood, but her behavior changed. She became clingier at the park and got up before I did today. 

I am trying not to feel bad for taking this vacation. Talking late into the night with my wife after we watched the Jan. 6 Hearing. It is crazy how much is going on in the world right now. How is anyone supposed to keep up? It took the hearing to remind me that things have been going like this since 2020. It is difficult to be optimistic about the future when you see how far apart people are getting. And, I don’t know anything; I don’t have any solutions. I only wish we all could try to be a little kinder to each other and start looking for the things that bring us together and not the things that divide us. And, I am going to start by taking my own advice. I know I could be doing a better job. 


  1. I'm with you on the state of the world. Good luck tomorrow!


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