Day 2,986 —to the Track!— with a PICTURE of TRAIN TRACKS in the MORNING #759

I felt like working on my running form. I wanted to eliminate any sound that I made as I ran. When I was running slow, I noticed I could make the sound almost non-existent, but when I started moving faster the sound of specifically my left foot would get louder and louder. I was running in sandals. 

I worked on a system where I ran slow for most of the mile, but I would push it at some points to get my overall milage under 10-minute miles. I was trying to keep my form the same as I started running faster, but most of the time the faster I ran the worst my form would get, and I would feel myself moving inefficiently. 

I’ll have to take my daughter to the track soon; she loves to run so much. I think she might have fun running on a smooth surface. 


the Most Epic Runs