Day 2,993 —Goodbye June— with a PICTURE of a red TULIP #765

I felt kind of sore today. I don’t think I stretched that much yesterday, so that might have something to do with it. I am doing a local 6-hour race on July 9th, so I have been debating how much I want to do over the weekend. I guess that 40-mile night run was tough on my body, but I cannot say I dealt with much recovery this week. I am suspicious of my body on why I don’t feel like I need more recovery. What’s going on body?  

My heart rate was a little high today, during a run I intended on being a low intensity run. So much of my ultra-training is doing high-milage weeks with most low intensity. I know some people do high intensity low mileage, but for me that has always led to more strain on my body while low intensity training is more time consuming, it is easier on my body.  

I am surprised how much my feet recovered after I switched to more comfortable shoes for my longer runs. It was only last summer that I was struggling with pain in my feet, but now I hardly ever think about it. My feet did get bigger, but the abnormal swelling has gone down. It has been a great month. I placed in two ultra-races, and I am starting to feel more confident about my strategies for races. I don’t have any scheduled for the fall or winter yet, I wonder how ambitious I should be? I have already completed more races this year than any previous year.  


the Most Epic Runs