Day 2,981 —Ready for what’s Next—with a PICTURE from the LIGHTHOUSE 100

I was thinking I might try for 20 today when I started, but I didn’t want to carry water, so I went home at 10. From there I ended up watching my daughter some. I was thinking I still had time to do 10 more, but as I was about to leave my daughter wanted to go outside, so I did mile + loops around my house, so I could check on her playing with her mother every 10 minutes or so. She has been in such a good mood today.

It was warm on my run today, but a pretty good breeze, so one of the nicer days this week. My ears are officially about 90% cured. I can finally hear almost normally again that might be another reason I am in such a good mood today. I signed up for the Dusk 2 Dawn for next weekend. I feel like there is plenty of reason not to do this race, but it seems like it could be fun, and the time works out. I’ll be gone Saturday night from around 7 p.m., and then back the next morning by 8 a.m. at the latest.

Normally a race is a much bigger sacrifice on my family taking place all day on Saturday, but one night is much more manageable. So, why not run through the night next weekend on a trail that I have never been to before? I’ll have to make a flexible goal for sure, but I am looking forward to figuring this one out and seeing what it is all about. 

*I saw the lighthouse update their DNF list, so here is the updated numbers from their website: 48 finishers 25 DNFs and 16 didn’t show up. I am glad more people finished than it said at first, but I wonder how that happened. It had almost 20 fewer finishers the day after the race.


the Most Epic Runs