Day 2,969 —Officially June (4 runs until the Lighthouse)— with a PICTURE from the AT

    It was a good little run today. I immediately got a rock stuck in my sandal. I pushed the thoughts of it burring itself in my foot fade away. I saw a gang of about 50 children walking somewhere. They seemed very excited to get wherever they were going. And, I am not thinking about reading and writing lesson plans. 

    Every summer my runs in the morning suddenly become work. Today is kind of my first day that I am “off-off.” I was partially off last week. I got home Tuesday and worked on Wednesday. Thursday I was watching my daughter and Friday I had to go to the doctor. I probably should mow the lawn and vacuum, but I kind of want to sit around and maybe read absently, or half listen to records as I attempt to pick up the house. 


the Most Epic Runs