Day 2,463 –Longest Run of the Year--

I was up at the usual time this morning, but I wanted to see the sunrise, so I held off leaving until 5:30 a.m., I was surprised that my wife and daughter were still sleeping since they have been getting up closer to 4 a.m., this week.

It really wasn’t that cold; even though, I wore three pairs of socks and two pairs of gloves. It doesn’t hurt anything to be a little warm most of the time. Maybe if I was faster, I would care more about the extra weight. I felt fine of course, and really would have liked to have kept going, but I am going to see how I feel tomorrow before I go any longer. I was really thinking of just doing a half today, but I wanted to complete the path that I was running on, so I ended up doing a little more.

I hope to get to go for a bike ride later. It was a much more difficult ride yesterday. I really felt like I was getting a workout. 


the Most Epic Runs