One Step Forward and . . . (includes remastered pictures)

I knew that I was going to hit a day soon that I would feel worse again because I had been feeling better the last couple of days, and today was that day. 

It wasn’t terrible or anything, but a step back in my recovery if only a slight one. I also have been trying to keep more regimented to my plant-based diet and have been eating almost exclusively stuff that I have made with almost no added salt or oil of any kind, but today I gained .2 pounds from yesterday, which always happens, so I try not to think about it because it is frustrating. I am still under my goal weight, but I know I need to take back control now before I form too many bad habits.  

However, by knowing that I am going to see some setbacks; even though, I am doing everything right is normal, helps get through this time and not become a person who is like, “I tried it but it didn’t . . .” which is so easy to fall into if you don’t see steady improvement when you are trying to make a positive change. 

I did get up earlier this morning if only 15 minutes, and I am going to plan to get up an additional 15 minutes earlier tomorrow to help me gradually transition to hopefully a 4 a.m., run start time next week (it would be nice if I could get close to that on Friday). Anyway, change is hard for me; it takes me time to gradually transition to a different routine, so I have learned that I have to take these steps to allow myself to adapt in the most positive way. 


the Most Epic Runs