I am doing the best that I can or The Date Still Feels Unreal When I Write It (includes remastered pictures)

I was up at 3:15 a.m., which is awesome, and it really was not as difficult as it normally would have been because I gradually started getting up a little earlier each day. I just have one more adjustment to go, to make it to my goal of a 3 a.m., wakeup time, so I have enough time in the morning to run, shower, read, and meditate before I have to leave for work at 6 a.m..

 There is not really enough light to take as many pictures as I would like, and the ones I do take are sometimes blurry because of the low lighting, but it is more peaceful at 4 in the morning, even compared to 5 a.m., sure there were a few cars out, but I didn’t see anyone else of foot.

I ended up going between train cars to connect back to a different street. I have noticed trains have been just sitting on the tracks recently early in the morning. It is kind of cool to see how long they are. This one had to have a few hundred cars maybe? I don’t really know, but it seemed to go on forever.    

Oh, and Happy Friday.


the Most Epic Runs