No Wind and Yoga Helps (includes remastered pictures

Too much wind can make what should be an easy run feel almost impossible. In contrast, one usually does not notice the absence of wind. 

Looking at the pictures of the two trashcans reminded me how calm it was this morning. Some cars, other runners, and a few dog walkers were out today, but I still was able to experience the stillness of the morning. I am going to have to start running slightly earlier than I do now, and I imagine one of the benefits will be almost no traffic. That is one of the nice things about 4 a.m. running, and it is hard going back to all the noise of a later morning running. 

I am still in pain but feeling even better than I did yesterday. I have been doing some Yoga for the past couple of days, and I think it could be helping. One of my goals this year is to incorporate yoga and / or deep stretching every day, so far, I have done a little each day.     


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