Still Alive (includes remastered pictures)

I knew this run would be tough, and no surprise it was. I have been in some pain since my slip and fall yesterday, and the whole day I was trying to push this run out of my mind because I knew I would feel a lot worse today. Your body gives you some time right after you are injured to still feel mostly good, but once the injury sets in; it just gets harder to recover. 

I thought I might do five, but my body said, “not today,” so I listened and did 2.5. I was miserable as I trudged along experimenting with different ways to change my stride to accommodate my injury. 

I appreciate the encouragement I have received and people reaching out that are concerned. I can assure all that I will not do anything to injure myself and will take the proper steps to seek medical attention if things get worse; however, right now I am dealing with pain yes, but I still maintain my full range of motion and no acute pain or swelling that would indicate I need medical attention at this time. 

I imagine what most people would tell me to do is to take some time off; however, I simply will not do that unless I have no choice. If I can go slow and not promote injury while I continue to run each day, I am going to do that. I know this is contrary to what a lot of people believe about recovery and the most practical way to seek healing.

I could be totally wrong, but I felt like I needed to make that clear. Not because people are coming up to me and confronting me about what I am doing, but because I feel like that is what most people are thinking. 

Thanks for reading; I hope you have a great day. 


the Most Epic Runs