Slipped and Fell (includes remastered pictures)

I was thinking how happy I was with myself for taking it easy this week, so to nurture the recovering that particularly my left leg needed. I had been experiencing pain around my heel and my upper left shin by my knee, but I knew from experience these things only get worse if you ignore them. 

I was admiring the icicles around me and turned to look at a library box that had icicles on the front of it, and then I slipped on my left leg on the side of a crosswalk. It was covered in ice and my leg turned in the wrong way. I screamed silently. I laid on the ground for a moment thinking, wondering if I had just seriously hurt myself. 

I got up. I was still in a lot of pain, but I could stand. I went over to take the picture that distracted me in the first place. I walked back forth a little bit scanning my body for the sharp pain that I knew would be the telltale sign of serious injury, but I couldn’t find it, so I ran to the track. 

I really wanted to take it easy and just go home, but I knew I needed the reassurance mentally that I was okay, so I did nine miles after I had fallen, going slow and running in way that I put almost no weight on my left leg. 

I am going to have to keep going really slow and easy, probably for the rest of the month, but I am going to be okay, and I am going to keep getting better; I just need to go slow and let my body recover. 


the Most Epic Runs