Day 2,456 It is Only a Matter of Time (includes better quality pictures)

I have lived in the vicinity of this Rothman’s for most of my life. I have never seen it when it used to be popular and I have never seen the parking lot more than at 10% capacity. However, I have always found the signs to be visually appealing, and once I took pictures there for an hour with a medium format film camera, which turned out to be broken, so I never could recover those pictures. I have taken several pictures of their signs since then, and I am glad that I have because it looks like the whole building will be demolished soon. 

I was hoping I would feel like running closer to 13 today, but I am still in pain, and it would not be beneficial to do more than I should now. I really want to get a bike, but I don’t know enough about them to even know what bike I should get. They are so expensive, which makes me want to buy a used one, but I don’t know enough about them to know what to get; it just all seems too complicated. I used to love riding my bike when I was younger but have never owned a bike as an adult. Seems now with my leg bothering me cross training would help me keep my mind off things. It would have felt great to run a marathon today. 


the Most Epic Runs