Day 2,602 —You Would have Had to been There— with a PICTURE of the SUNRISE by the TRACKS

I don’t know if I am misremembering a lyric to a song or not, but the phrase, “you would have had to been there,” keeps going through my mind. The sunrise and the pink sky put such a huge smile on my face. I went up to take a picture on the train tracks and saw two deer running on the other side of the tracks. I was taking my pictures and looking at them, and then I noticed a fawn in the middle of the tracks. 

I ran towards it, and it ran off. I know it probably would have moved when it heard a train, but that image of the fawn in the middle of the tracks was upsetting. 

I saw some type of cat by the path I took back. I first thought it was a possum, but its eyes were yellow, and I saw the outline of its head. It looked too big to be a housecat, but I do not know what else it would have been. 

Last day in my building and my ultra-run is tomorrow! I feel like there is so much to do today and at the same time nothing at all.  


the Most Epic Runs