Day 2,606 —Is it Today Already? — with a PICTURE of BUILDINGS in the DARK

A little tired after yesterday for sure. Yesterday, my first day of summer and my first day working at my new job. I want to clean parts of my house and mow the lawn. I also need to make more peanut butter, but I had time for almost none of that yesterday. I did start picking up some yesterday, but only in the morning. Today, I have the same number of tasks, but mentally I feel a little more focused. 

I want to buy a new pair of shoes now! Yet, I know I probably will not need them for a while. I should be fine wearing what I have for the 50-mile race. I am not sure how much I really should be doing leading up until next week, so I will keep it light and try to do a few more bike rides to even things out some. 

It looked like rain today, and it felt good running while it was light out. With my later start time, I am looking forward to being able to see a lot of sunrises this year. 


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